Ford Legacy MN
Many people have expressed interest in creating a lasting tribute to the legacy of the Ford Motor Company in Minnesota. This website can hopefully provide a focal point for conversations about ways to accomplish that goal.

It will also serve as way to provide updates on the status of the site of the former Twin Cities Assembly Plant, including news about possible redevelopment options.
A legacy tribute can take a physical form as a monument, plaque or commemorative garden on the grounds at Highland Park, or elsewhere. Perhaps it could even include the reconstruction of the historic Showroom, either as part of a new development or as a stand-alone structure. Ford has carefully salvaged the original limestone façade elements, which are now stored in metal cargo containers on site.

Perhaps the tribute can take the form of an exhibit. A one-day display of Ford materials and vintage cars was held in the Highland Park Library on October 19, 2013 and was attended by over 300 enthusiasts. A more permanent exhibit or collections repository could perhaps be placed at a historical society, or even an independent location. One local precedent for a more permanent display is the Northwest Airlines History Centre, operated mainly by retirees. Information on this project can be found at
Perhaps the tribute can be in “virtual form” with articles, pictures, oral histories and the like, posted on line. This website could be used to display such materials on a long-term basis.
A legacy organizing committee is now being formed. If interested in joining the effort, please leave your contact information below, or Email your inquiry to An organizational meeting is planned for sometime in mid-October. We will keep you posted on our organizing efforts. Also, if you have any pictures, articles or memorabilia you can share, we would be very interested in talking with you.
Thank you.